January 27, 2022


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My Soap Making Story

Soapmaking has been a passion of mine for over 10 years.

It all started when I was looking for a natural way to clean my skin. I also was looking for a hobby that was rewarding. I needed to take my mind off some difficult personal experiences I was going through at the time.

Enter soap making.

One day was browsing at my local library and the soap-making titles jumped out at me. The rest is history!

I fell in love with the art of soapmaking! It was such a natural fit for me.

Ever since I was a little girl I have loved pressing my nose against a bar of soap and inhaling deeply. There is so much comfort in scent!

Coincidently, I also love to cook and bake. Soap making is not too different…just requires more safety (please don’t lick the bowl). Another reason it was a natural fit for me.

If you are anything like me I am a learning junkie. Naturally, I turned to books and online sources. And many of them were invaluable. There are so many talented and generous soap makers out there!

But it didn’t take long for me to feel inundated with information and much of it I was not ready for as a beginning soap maker.

Sadly, I felt bogged down and paralyzed wondering what was important and what was hype. Particularly in the world of soap labeling, soap benefit claims, and the realities of starting a soap business.

However, I slugged along until I had all the pieces put together. I realized that soap-making and marketing are really quite streamlined! It’s all about formulas. Formulas you can use over and over for success.

My Mission Is to Give Confidence to the Newbie

The bath product industry is hot! White-hot.

My first goal is for Soap Nitty-Gritty to help beginner soap makers feel confident in an industry that is growing and full of talent.

I do this by offering soap-making courses, covering all the important topics, and having a beginner’s soap-making guide that is easy to follow.

My second goal is to not only help people learn the art of soapmaking but feel like it was possible to start their own soap business.

I decided to start my own blog to help beginner soap makers do both of these things in an industry that is overwhelming and full of talented competition.

There is nothing worse than imposter syndrome. But everyone starts at the beginning!

You’re in the right place if you are motivated.

If you’re looking for the best information on handmade soap, and you are ready to go…you have come to the right place. Soap Nitty-Gritty is here to help you go from zero to hero in your own kitchen!

I love getting real about handmade soap. The truth can be hard sometimes, but information is power.

Soap Nitty-Gritty is all about beginner soap makers and teaching them about the handmade soap business industry. I leave the truly experienced and technical business topics to the….experienced!

And I can help you find them as well if your journey takes you there.

My other specialty is digital marketing. It’s my second passion! I can help take all the mystery out of creating a website and then use it as a valuable soap selling tool.

I want you to feel empowered by YOU and YOUR product. Don’t worry about being like everyone else. Nothing will slow you down faster than that!

Let me introduce myself.

Hi, I’m Amanda and I am the owner of Soap Nitty-Gritty. I am a wife and mother who specializes in soap making and digital marketing.

I am the least crafty person I know but I am tenacious and love helping people learn. I am also a self-proclaimed learning addict and love learning new skills myself.

First and foremost, I am a wife and mother. When I found out about soapmaking, I knew I had to share it with the world. That’s why I started Soap Nitty-Gritty, to help beginner soap makers feel self-assured in an industry that is fast-paced and highly rewarding. My personal soap brand is Bright Bar Soap.

Best wishes,


P.S. The best place to start is with The Skincare Enthusiast’s Complete Guide to Handmade Soap

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